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 Damning Data Hands Up An Indictment
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28
2021-04-25 09:32:12

I don't believe much of what these criminals tell us. There were some observations I made early and one of them was they needed to get a death count. Cuomo brought in the vents and put the infected in nursing homes. Note the early spike in heart attacks. You study the age/death figures and you find the elderly, over 70, make up the bulk of heart attack deaths and I suspect that dying of old age involves cardiac arrest. Knocking people off, in the nursing homes, would involve Alzheimer's and heart attacks. Load these places up with anything, like flu or a bad virus and these corpses naturally pile up.

The chart Finzer put up has some flaws in it, one that it starts out off track. I did some looking into deaths from 2014 on, as far as the count goes and the year to year is volatile. 2019 was an extremely low end death year, meaning there were postponed deaths. Second, a 5 year average probably skews the number down 5K a week, as demographics are increasing the dying number. If you use an 83 year, 4 month life expectancy, average over the current living lifetime should be 330,000 per month, or 1 out of 1000 each month. The boomers are now between 60 and 75, so we aren't looking at a few people now. I find it interesting that the monthly number is much less than 1 out of 1000, even when you throw in the extra people who died in 2020. 83 years, 4 months is beyond what I understand US life expectancy to be, so either we are living longer than that or the demographics are going to accelerate the number quickly.

One thing I have gathered out of this is the elite don't have much use for most of us. Why else would they blow up the energy grid? AI gives them a means to get rid of a large number of the population, as they can run things with computers and such. The main thing they needed us for is to wage war. All I see ahead is a genocidal machine, whether it is the climate change nonsense or Bill Gates pushing needles. Something tells me these people would settle for a few thousand servants and a big spread to live on.

In that, I find interesting the number of I don't know what killed them deaths. As Karl says, the big spike shows up with the introduction of the vaccine. How many of these I don't knows were classed as CV19 deaths? Seems the vaccine would create the same cause of death. Maybe that is why Fauci is acting like the shot doesn't work, while promoting it. Wear a mask? Is that for reserve toilet paper, or are these people going to die of CV19? I don't think we have seen the start of it. I am giving mine to Biden, Harris, Pelosi or Fauci.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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