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 Damning Data Hands Up An Indictment
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-04-21 19:01:26

@Chromehill -- No, I'm saying that the ones I can identify that are in the "you're fucked if you get these", based on the CDC's "you're fucked" list, amount to that.

The problem is that the OTHERS may have exactly nothing to do with a disease at all. We KNOW, for example, that with NO comorbid conditions the risk of you getting whacked by this thing is minuscule. We know that without trusting the CDC because the NY Coroner's data has the same thing in their tables, and they are actually counting bodies.

Where are the rest of the excess? We do not know. But what we DO know is that they gave us a list of things that would fuck you, and a few more that SHOULD, such as COPD.

Diabetes sure as hell did; you got ass-reamed. Heart attacks and strokes were big ones too.

But cancer was NOT -- at all. And COPD/Emphysema was NEGATIVE, which is illogical as hell UNLESS their medications were protective. So they clearly were. SLE/Lupus and related have similar outcomes; they were clearly protected by SOMETHING.

Does an OD count as a Covid death? Well I say NO, but how many extra ODs were there? We don't know yet, but what we DO know is that something like 15,000 EXTRA ones were reported through July, so what is that -- four months worth? Oh that sucks. Extrapolate that out and what do you get? I don't know, but an OD w/the Coof is not caused by the Coof. And so on.

Further, I can't find these other 400,000 alleged dead people in the BLS data either.

Just because there was excess death doesn't mean Covid caused it. If those deaths were deaths of despair, well, that's caused by WHAT WE DID, not Covid. How many people were positive 28 days earlier and died of something ordinary that the CDC doesn't consider "high impact", and the reason they died is that they were basically cut off from everyone they love? That may be COUNTED as a Covid death BUT IT WAS NOT ONE.

For the purpose of this, however, that's not why I did it. I did it to find the things that could be linked the *VACCINES*, and I found them. They're in heart attacks and strokes, both of which are clotting-related. And that "not-specified" line is fucking scary; if that's TEMPORARY due to reporting delays then its not a big deal, but if it doesn't, well, THEN IT IS.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."
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