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 The Likely Future Path: YOU WERE WARNED
Tf0884 15 posts, incept 2010-06-26
2020-12-07 21:04:33

As a random reasonably well paid man in his 30s without kids, with everything that is going on I seriously start to question what is the point of working much beyond that necessary for the bare essentials. Pretty much all of what I earn gets taken in taxes, high living costs etc.

I live in the UK, so slightly different situation to most readers here, but the overall conclusion is the same. There are simply too many mouths sucking on the same tit.

The govt here has boxed themselves into a corner because they have always focused tax policy on helping the poor, or those on welfare. The taxation system is now ridiculously top heavy and reliant on a shrinking pool of high earners.

Well this high earner is checking out, moving to the North East where property is a 5th of the cost of where I am now, there is more space, people are friendlier etc. I work in IT and will do the occasional 3 month contract where I can find it. Failing that I'll do a bit of part time work locally. I won't need much. I can buy a house with cash and don't need much else apart from food. If they push people who have little else than that too hard there will be a revolt.

Once I check out the tax burdens on others will have to increase, and so the positive feedback loop begins. That will be when the fireworks really begin. I see no point in saving beyond what I already have, since the government will simply rob it to pay for all the third world invaders that wash up on our shores.

I see no reason to slave away to pay for my own race replacement. Quite the opposite. I need that time to physically and mentally prepare for what's ahead.

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