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 The End Of Trump
Raven 18k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2020-06-30 10:59:15

The protests and police interaction keep reminding me of something which sends chills.

Notice how the cops are holding a line in their combat gear, but not touching the protesters if it can at all be avoided. They just seem to form a line to keep them away from particular places. In fact a lot of destruction is permitted and the cops just hold the line.

The protesters desperately want the cops to assault them. This forms the inspiration for the communist types to start terrorism. It happens this way in so many countries.

These threatening protest groups like BLM are nothing more than communist front organizations.

Kind of interesting that we concern ourselves with areas going blue when that is what actually leads to red. Red is the color of communism yet we here associate it with Republicanism and conservatism. It is a pretty good head fake which i think is more accidental than anything else.

We are facing a red as in communist threat that wishes to progress to terrorism. It needs the authorities to come down on it hard for its people to get pissed off enough to start self-motivating to murder and mayhem. If one looks at the history of terrorism in the USA, the bombers of the early 20th century were communist sympathizers. Yet, the authorities and media always discuss concerns over right-wing terrorism.

Communists are individualists hiding in the protection of a group. They are cowards. Most right-wingers have a moral center against random violence to innocents and consider not facing an opponent cowardly. This is why right-wingers are not always working against their opponents. They follow a rules-of-war philosophy. Only attack when directly attacked.

Me thinks that there will be terrorism and it will be attributed to the right-wing/conservatives. In this fashion, the left (communists) can sow fear of the right and then justify their own actions of terrorism and further oppression of the right-wing through the power of the state.

I truly believe that it will be the communists who will blow pieces of infrastructure as they do not mind sacrificing vast swaths of even their own to achieve an ultimate end. Remember that they are individualists who really do not care about their fellow travelers. Right-wingers tend to care about other members of their group and life in general.

Yet, our authorities have spent decades infiltrating right-wing groups. It was so commonly assumed that it was even discussed here in this forum. We warned people, assumed that any right-wing militia group would be infiltrated and that people were to be careful about what was said in terms of right-wing discussions in groups. No?

Perhaps the greatest takeover is that the institutions, such as the FBI, tasked with infiltrating groups which pose a threat are so infiltrated by communists that they ignore the real threat and attack their own opposition purposefully.

Any communist bombing or other terrorist attack is not going to be announced as such by its supporters, but blamed on the right-wing to oppress it even more. Perhaps some of the supposedly "right-wing" incidents of the past are actually this kind of technique of discrediting and justification of oppression such as that towards gun ownership.

Mixing up the political meanings of red and blue. What a head-fake.

The real threat is the reds who call themselves blue. Red is the color of communists symbolizing the blood that they spill to achieve their ends. Life is cheap to them which is why they are so effective. They use their own as sacrifices in their individualistic struggles. Right now groups like BLM are being used to take front-line abuse and wreck their own lives and communities. The black supporters are just expendable troops over the years. When the real communist base gets any type of power, they reward their early supporters with death and/or oppression.

Sadly black lives actually matter a lot more to the right-wing conservatives.

I am not worrying about areas of the country going blue. I am more concerned with the country going red with a ruling class living in the best areas. In communism it is always those who personally risk the least who get the most. After all, one communist cares little for another. This is why they must use so much imagery of people banded together in common cause, supporting each other, uniting! It takes a lot of work to cover a lie.

In about ten years we will be in a global war; they are getting things ready to shift. What we seeing now, even if more messy than they wish, is putting everything in place.

Right now we need to call everything that is in opposition to libertarian principles and conservatism for what it is: communism.

This is what people hear from me:

Universal Healthcare - communism
Forced flu vaccination - communism
Free education - communism
Government worker class - communism
city workers - communism
Affirmative action and set asides - communism
Property and use taxes - communism
Licenses - communism
Everyone having to do the same ridiculous thing like masks - communism
University left-leaning education - communism
China - communism

What can you add to the list.

Remind people what it is, what was forgotten about it and what it will do.

It spills lots of blood.

We are going to fight them again, make sure that everyone knows the enemy.

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