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 The End Of Trump
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2020-06-29 20:19:37

@Lisa - China is running us now. Trump has not done DICK. He's capitulated to them --- multiple times. And like always, they cheat.

I suspect perhaps you haven't heard -- there's another virus. H1N1 this time, which is a NASTY genome parent. As in 1918.

Oh, and speaking of 1918. We knew in 1918 that masks didn't work. At all. We didn't understand well WHY they didn't work, just like we didn't understand WHY flu wanes in the summer and comes back in the winter, but we knew THEY DID NOT WORK.

Now we know WHY they didn't work then and won't now -- because they can't work. That's physics. And despite the wishcasting of MANY, every single randomly controlled trial trying to prove otherwise has only wound up in the same place: They don't work.

Well, if you know from physics that the Earth is round then ANY legitimate scientific study will, in fact, find that the Earth is round. Physics is like that; it's not a suggestion.


When you have the left seat if the plane crashes you're at fault. It doesn't matter whether you are really or not -- you are.

That's how it works. You're the pilot in command, you're responsible. Period.

And in this case Trump is trying to argue with physics and elements of biology that are million years ago. They're not going to change any more than the Earth will become flat. All he can do is accept it, work with it, OR MAKE THE SITUATION WORSE.

He's chosen the latter.

So here we are.

He's responsible. Period.

We have Covid here today. It is not respiratory-transmitted, for the most part. Oh I'm sure it CAN be, but it isn't majority. Which means locking people in their homes will do nothing. At all. Zero.

Neither will "social distancing." Nor will masks.

What will? Assiduous handwashing -- with soap and water. But even with it -- the virus is going to spread. We keep seeing the same pattern bear out.

That's what virology and physics tell us.

We knew all of this in February and instead of following the science Trump murdered 50,000 Americans by listening to Cuomo and sucking his dick, making manufacturers and hospital executives rich at the same time. For that he should every single day of the rest of his miserable life in a federal prison cell with a serial rapist. What he did was unconscionable but it's water over the dam and thus here we are. Now the question is whether he's going to apply what has been learned or kill another quarter million people this winter when H1N1 shows up, and it looks like it might.

Interestingly, Peru and Brazil are next to each and took exact opposite courses of action. Peru locked down EVERYTHING. Brazil locked down basically..... nothing. In fact, their leadership said "fuck that, this is bullshit."

Guess what?

They have the same death rate count. Really. The two curves are almost exactly the same. Fancy that.

Has Trump learned ANYTHING from this?


Now he's letting Pence run around with a mask on and O'Connell call for UNIVERSAL MASKING. Which will do nothing.

There is only one path that is logical. We must let Covid-19 go now. Right now. Today. Not next week, not next month. If H1N1 comes as a co-infection with Covid-19 I'll bet that combination kills a HUGE percentage of the people who get both at once. You don't want my actual estimate, because you'll probably have a stroke. I've modeled that scenario based on what we know of 1918's pathology and Covid-19s.

Ugly isn't the right word for it.

And H1N1 is coming. It's probably coming this fall, given that it appears we've found it over in... guess where... China. On top of Covid-19. With a crippled economy and destroyed tax base. Which means no money, no teachers, no cops, no schools.



And this is what Trump is doing. This is what he's leading the nation into. We're fucked unless he stops it NOW -- and I do mean NOW.

I'm not voting for that.

It's not negotiable. Either he cuts it out, NOW, or else because if he doesn't it will matter not who is in office.

At all.

I have worked tirelessly for more than a DECADE to try to fix the most-pressing of these issues. I knew where the line was, and that we would hit it if we didn't act. Well, we didn't act, and the line is approaching NOW.

Time's up.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."
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