As expected there are the screams of racism! coming from people because of a skew in the death numbers toward black and brown people.
I believe there is truth to that, a virus of course can't be racist, so how could the screams of racism be true? Simple Vitamin D
It is also generated by your body as a consequence of sun exposure. That is, locking people into their homes directly injures them
But who gets injured more from lack of vitamin D? Whites like fauxi, berks, gates and coumo or blacks that only want to go to work to support their families?
https://www.theroot.com/why-black-people....From the link:
among African Americans, some experts have called vitamin D deficiency a hidden epidemic and have speculated that low levels are to blame for higher rates of diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and diabetes. The Chicago Sun-Times went even further, linking African-American death rates from aggressive forms of breast and prostate cancer to low levels of vitamin D.
In addition what is the percentage of black or brown people who have lost their jobs during this forced lock down?
The virus of course can not be racist, but to those who are using it to control our actions, it is most certainly racist. If they can keep you from getting what God intended - The Sun!
If they can keep you hiding under your covers, they are happy. If your youth are weak they are happy, if your communities fall into ruins they are happy. So please keep cowering in fear of this "Invisible Enemy" while your REAL enemies takes everything from you.
Where are you black leaders? Where are you brown leaders? Where are you churches? Why are you so willing to submit to these racist overlords, for the hope of receiving a dime?
A virus can never be racist, but it certainly can be used as a whip against anyone willing to submit