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 Told 'Ya So (Remittances)
Ktrosper 6k posts, incept 2010-04-06
2016-04-06 08:12:33

Pika wrote..
It's a one-two punch: through graft, coercion massive government spending, fleece the masses to the point of bankruptcy, bring in rock-bottom cheap labor and goods to keep them quiet until the rest of the fleecing is completed. People will purchase these goods and services until they can't purchase those anymore either.


And don't forget the cheap and easy credit that's been made available.. The middle class has gone into debt up to their eye-balls over the last few decades. A move that has essentially allowed them to paper- over the fact that they are really NO LONGER MIDDLE CLASS. Many can pretend that they are, offer up the facade - so to speak, but that facade is financed with revolving credit...

And, of course, money being fungible - much of this money we borrow finds it's way right back into the American markets and competes with our other Dollars for goods and services, driving the costs of these things higher.

So think about that perverted circle of destruction..

We borrow money (much of which is poofed into existence when we 'borrow') to buy cheap-imported-**** (more expensive American-made-**** goes unsold - eventually putting American's out of manufacturing work) and the money that pays for this cheap-imported-**** finds it's way back here to drive asset prices higher, driving the cost of living higher and making it harder to get by..

About $100 Billion of the $500ish Billion Balance of Trade (Trade Deficit) found it's way back to the American real estate market last year. I'm not sure how much finds it's way back into Stawks and other asset classes..

We're borrowing money to put ourselves out of work while simultaneously making living more expensive..


The unexamined life is not worth living.-Socrates
The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law.-Aristotle
Liberty exists now in the spaces government has not yet ch
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