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 Told 'Ya So (Remittances)
Pika-steph 57k posts, incept 2007-09-11
2016-04-05 22:43:49

Ostriches wrote..
The reason for this is that, for example, where I live outside of our nation's capital, regardless of whether they self-identify as Democrats, Republicans, or Conservatives, most of my neighbors have absolutely no qualms with hiring illegals. These illegals do not work for American employers, but operate their own small businesses off the books doing any and all of housecleaning, yard maintenance, home maintenance, construction and remodeling work, etc. - just about anything one could think of. Need a tree taken down? Don't call the arborist or the accredited tree service, Miguel will climb up there with his chain saw, do it for $200, and even take out the stump. Need your yard weeded/mulched? Don't call the legitimate lawn service, Jose will do it all for $250. Need help moving? Just hire a few guys standing outside of home depot - who cares if they see all of the shit you own and also know where you live.

IN any event, one would think that given that 95% of my neighborhood is comprised of active/retired government workers (current/former members of government unions) or active/retired military, that each of my neighbors would be patriotic, rule of law types vehemently against the hiring of illegals, but alas, the truth is far from the case - they hire them wherever and whenever they can!
So true. The problem is that a vast chunk of the people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck because of the crony-monopolistic graft. The only way many of these people can afford to have things that are not actual 'necessities' are to buy them on the cheap. Even roof repairs fall under that category. Most people are one relatively mild unexpected expense away from bankruptcy. I do believe most of the people you're talking about would much rather pay an American, but the fucking government has made it impossible to afford that thing, service, whatever....otherwise. That's how all the cheap Chinese goods ever became big sellers here in the first place. Almost universally, people have bitched about the quality, but they still buy the shit anyway. It's a one-two punch: through graft, coercion massive government spending, fleece the masses to the point of bankruptcy, bring in rock-bottom cheap labor and goods to keep them quiet until the rest of the fleecing is completed. People will purchase these goods and services until they can't purchase those anymore either.

"Obama is the dark-center of the anal fissure of a chancre infested, hemorrhoid laden asshole preparing to pucker and spew endless jets of diarrhea."--Chthonic
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