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2019-08-30 13:12 by Karl Denninger
in Politics , 1586 references
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Here's what you get if you basically draft me, since I don't fit either the RINO or Communist party profile:

  • Wage, environmental, IP theft, government oppression/subsidy and currency manipulation tariffs.  There will be zero incentive for any entity selling to anyone in America to place manufacturing or anything else (assembly, sourcing, etc) in a foreign nation to try to arbitrage poor people, dump poison in their water, into the air or on their land instead of here, etc.  Each class of goods will have the appropriate tariff calculated on a per-nation basis with no exceptions.  Any nation or firm attempting to circumvent this by cross-shipping or falsifying records will lead to an immediate, 100% embargo of all involved goods with them seized and destroyed on entry.  Again -- no exceptions.  Yes, this includes (but certainly isn't limited to) China, Vietnam, India and Mexico.

  • 100% E-Verify now.  All employers have six months to comply for existing employees, all new hires must have it run.  Liability is personal and cannot be thrown off on a staffing company or other scheme.  All 941s (quarterly withholding filings) must include E-Verify control numbers on them.  Congress will receive a bill on my first day in office to upgrade failure to include same on 941s, hiring or paying people without reporting accurately on same, or any other form of evasion by any means to a criminal felony with 5 years in the slam-slam for each person so not-reported or evaded, served consecutively, with no pleas or reductions allowed along with a $50,000 fine per person, per year who is not reported accurately.  That ends the BS.

  • It shall be the policy of this nation that no free trading relationship nor normal customs and immigration relationship shall exist with any nation that permits either their nationals or foreign nationals to travel through or use their border with our nation for the purpose of unlawful entry into the United States, nor shall such a relationship exist with any nation that suborns or permits its nationals to violate our laws whether in regard to people, goods or services.  Mexico in particular shall cut this crap out or the border will be closed -- period.  The National Emergency required to do this has already been issued by Trump and I will execute on that on my first day in office.  This shall also be applied to China as a consequence of its export of fentanyl and precursors intended for unlawful distribution in the United States.

  • H1b visa sponsors shall be required to pay 200% of the prevailing wage in America.  If there is truly a shortage or is being used to import those who are truly exceptional minds, to the point that we simply can't meet the challenge here, so be it -- the cost of doing so compared to the benefit will be tiny.  If this visa is being abused by corporations a wage suppression artifice, and today it is, that's ending.  Right now.

  • As President my first and foremost duty is to protect the integrity of the United States.  This includes physical security at the US border.  If necessary the military will be deployed to defend same against any and all invaders.  Our military exists for the primary purpose of preventing and repelling any attempted invasion of United States territory.  This is not only Constitutionally permitted it is Constitutionally required of the Commander in Chief.  This does not violate The Posse Comitatus Act; the military will not be there to execute a civilian police action, they will be deployed to prevent and turn back invasion.  If you want to come and apply as an immigrant, whether claiming asylum or otherwise, do it lawfully at a port of entry or US Embassy.

  • 100% enforcement of 15 USC Chapter 1.  Amazon is the poster child in the retail space but hardly the only offender.  The entire medical space will also have this enforced against them.  See my model bill for how to fix it entirely.  Until passed I'll be content to throw lots of hospital executives and virtually every pharma company head in the slam-slam and destroy every one of their firms with ruinous fines.  Yes, as the head of the Executive (law enforcement) I can do that without ANY new laws, and will.

  • 100% legalization and regulation of marijuana immediately by de-scheduling.  The DEA is under the DOJ, and as the head of the Executive I'm their boss.  THC will be de-scheduled immediately.  Period.  In addition a full review of the medical and scientific evidence will be undertaken for every drug currently on said schedule and they shall be adjusted accordingly.  No ifs, ands or buts.  States can do what they wish but on a federal level it's done on Day #1 and I will fire as many people as necessary and replace on an interim basis until it happens.

  • BEA and BLS will be directed to remove all "hedonic" and similar adjustments immediately and permanently.  As they are under the Department of Commerce and Labor, respectively, they too are under the Executive.  Therefore said order will be issued on Day #1.  Inflation numbers shall have all hedonic adjustments removed immediately and on a forward basis, and in addition productivity shall be removed from inflation numbers as well.  That is, inflation is inflation and we're going to stop lying about it.

  • The Fed will either adjust policy to meet its mandate of stable prices over the medium term or I will do whatever I must to destroy and replace it.  Period.  They do not have the privilege of re-writing legislation and "stable" means unchanging, not 2% "doctored and fraudulent" inflation.  Specifically they will control money and credit aggregates to reverse the scam of the false inflation numbers via hedonics and productivity that were unlawfully applied over the last 30+ years.  I understand doing this in a week can't happen, but it will happen and they will run policy commensurate with their Congressional mandate or I will find a way to remove them by whatever means it takes.  Cue President Jackson on this one, if it comes to it; Treasury can be directed to buttfuck The Fed under Executive power, that's already obvious and actually not even slightly difficult given the will and I will do so.

  • A National Emergency will be declared on the first day of my Administration relating to the Internet and threat to our Republic that the current abuse of same both foreign and domestic has incurred.  The specific demands for reform will include separation of utility and application functionality with the former being absolutely barred from discrimination in sales of like kind and quantity for any firm with more than $100 million a year in revenue worldwide.  Any firm that refuses will have all foreign transactions blocked in accordance with the 1970s NEA powers and all dollar-denominated transactions and assets frozen.  Further any coordinated action to ban particular political perspectives, points of view or publishers shall bring instant prosecution under 15 USC carrying felony criminal penalties.  I will perp-walk every single major social media, transport, cloud and DNS company executive straight into federal prison if I must. The bullcrap we're dealing with now will stop or the firms doing it will be destroyed with their executives asset-stripped to their underwear.

  • The 2nd Amendment shall be restored.  I shall seek declaratory judgment from the Supreme Court on the fraud in Miller's instance and, once having secured same shall move to have the entire body of existing "gun control", other than actual commerce between states which does remain a federal power, declared void.  In addition the 14th Amendment guarantees incorporation against State Laws on matters of civil rights.  Any state or local government official who disagrees will find themselves in the federal slam-slam facing 18 USC 242 charges.  Until that is accomplished the DOJ shall be directed to ignore that blatantly unconstitutional set of laws and if they or any other federal agency refuses I shall issue pardons to anyone they arrest on any non-violent firearms offense.  If you want to make, own and carry a firearm, suppressor or whatever -- have at it.  If some federal agency cop shows up and tries to bust you the next morning you'll be pardoned.  I don't care if I wear out 1,000 pens signing pardons.  This bullshit will stop -- right now.

  • The 4th Amendment shall be restored.  The entire "policing for profit" revenue share model on civil forfeiture is rankly unconstitutional and the entirety of that program will be scrapped by Executive Order on my first day in office.  Any state, county or local official who continues it beyond that day shall be subject to arrest and indictment by the federal government under 18 USC 242 which explicitly prohibits the violation of Constitutional Rights under color of law or authority.  That is a criminal statute and I will be more than happy to put 50,000 local cops and county sheriffs in the federal slam-slam if I must.  We'll have plenty of room with all the weed violations that will be released.  This crap will stop; if some copshop claims that money or property is the fruit of an illegal act before they can seize and attempt to forfeit it they must obtain a felony criminal conviction on the underlying offense and prove the connection beyond a reasonable doubt.  Period.

  • The Glo-bull warming scam will be stopped dead.  All federally funded research and data, past, present and future shall be declared as public domain.  Mann and his cohorts will be forced to disgorge same or be charged with theft (or destruction, if they try to evade it via tampering) of government property.  Enough.

  • I shall demand of Congress that the current law permitting International Cartels to operate in facial violation of 15 USC Chapter 1 be repealed.  This is an outrage passed in the 1970s in response to the Arab Oil Embargo.  Congress shall be called upon to repeal it on their first day in session.  Period.  Until they do I shall tariff all cartel-controlled products, including oil, sufficiently to make them non-economic for import and sale in the United States.  We can be oil-independent today and until Congress puts a stop to the OPEC rape-job one way or another we shall be.

  • I shall demand of Congress an immediate rescission of (1) all federal funding of student loans and (2) immediate removal of the "privileged" status of such debt on a forward basis from bankruptcy discharge.  All such lending on a forward basis shall be private and shall be subject to the risk of bankruptcy discharge.  This will instantly collapse the cost of college to something you can afford to attend and engage in by working at Starbucks.

  • It shall be the national energy policy of the United States to explore and, if justified, develop LFTR-based nuclear energy, including using coal as the Thorium feedstock, so as to become entirely energy independent through its use and CTL technology within 20 years.  The math and basis for this is found in this post from 2011, or if you prefer in my book Leverage.  This is achievable given the technology of today and we shall do it as a nation so as to never again be able to be held hostage for electricity, transportation or war-fighting fuels.

  • It shall be the foreign policy of the United States that unless (1) an American or (2) a piece of American property, including a flagged vessel, aircraft, embassy or other item is damaged or destroyed it is not a matter for our military.  The United States shall respect the sovereign power of all nations.  However, no nation shall enjoy a free and open trading relationship nor shall the ownership and control of any US property whether physical, intellectual or otherwise be recognized on an equal and unimpaired basis by any of their firms or nationals if said nation does not afford all of its citizens on a substantially equal basis the freedoms guaranteed by the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments to the US Constitution along with substantially equal rights without regard to sex, race, color and creed.

  • It shall be the goal of my administration to fire half of all Federal Employees within my first term and shrink both the Federal Statute Books and CFRs by 50%.  I think I can do better, but that's the goal for the first 4 years.  We'll see.

  • I shall neither submit or sign any budget that runs a deficit except in a time of declared war and in fact shall sign no budget that does not run a surplus as a percentage of GDP equal to the previous 12 months productivity gain or more if same is positive.  End of discussion, full stop.  Whatever the government wishes to do it will pay for, and all such shall include the room for whatever supplemental appropriations may arise including disasters.  No exceptions.  Disasters are not known in advance but that they happen every year is.  Further the government shall not steal the natural improvement in purchasing power that belongs to the citizens as a consequence of their improvement in productivity either.

  • No, I will not stop using "colorful language" when it is appropriate.  Running a nation is an adult job.  Children do not have a seat at the table -- not because they aren't respected but because they lack the experience, wisdom, impulse control and judgment to be considered an appropriate resource in such matters.  If you're incapable of dealing with adult matters then feel free to go hide in your "safe space" and let the adults do what has to be done -- including, occasionally, erecting a well-earned middle finger.

  • No, I will not publish my tax returns.  The requirements to run for President are in the Constitution.  Tax returns are confidential, period, end of discussion.  Incidentally, so are medical records (HIPPA) so no, I won't be taking any public medical exams either.  However, you're welcome to peruse my running time records in races where I publicly appear and there is a publicly-visible clock, and draw from that whatever conclusions you wish.

To the extent any of this requires Congressional approval I will veto at my discretion every single bill that comes across my desk until the necessary statutes are enacted or repealed.  This specifically includes but is not limited to all spending bills.  In addition to the extent spending is constrained by said vetos I will direct that the first cuts are to all security, maintenance, utility and other facilities and programs that benefit any member of Congress or their staff.  They will either do their damn job or they'll take the brunt of their refusal, unlike Barry Soetero who punished ordinary Americans when Congress didn't do what he wanted.

There's plenty more but this will be a good start for my platform.

I'm available for public debate on any or all of this platform against anyone else who believes they have better ideas and wishes to take the left seat.  As noted, since I'm aware of no party interested in these positions one of them will have to draft me....

As for electors and the state filings for same we'll cross that bridge if there's enough to be worth doing what has to be done to make that happen.

This page is subject to update but no commitment above shall be materially weakened or changed to the detriment of the people of this nation, and if challenged on same I will produce the entire audit log of this page back to the original posting of this message. -- Karl

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2019-03-04 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Politics , 445 references
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Since nobody at CPAC wants to talk about it.... I will.

The bill is really quite simple:

  • No person shall be entitled to any public funds or federally-funded government services unless they are a United States Citizen, Lawful Permanent Resident, or explicitly admitted under a formal refugee resettlement agreement.  No person admitted under such a formal refugee resettlement agreement may receive any federally-funded service or public funds beyond the term of five years, which may not be extended.  (In other words you either qualify for lawful permanent residence during that five years, including integrating and learning English, or get the hell out.)

  • No person or organ of government may obligate any private party to provide any form of federally-sponsored benefit or mandate to any person not a Lawful Permanent Resident, Citizen or explicitly-admitted refugee during the above five-year period where said benefit, mandate or enterprise operates with any material connection to or with supplies procured in interstate commerce.

  • No person who is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident may obtain any personal or financial benefit from federally-sponsored or funded benefits or mandates through a claim of familial or custodial relationship with a citizen or lawful permanent resident.

  • Any person violating this statute shall be criminally liable under the crime of fraud for the full amount of such benefit, the full cost of any such mandate they access imposed upon the party who provides it and shall be ordered, upon conviction, to pay all such costs, expenses, court and attorney fees incurred by the party so impacted.  In addition any person violating this statute shall suffer a permanent inability to enter or remain within the United States with any future attempt to so enter being a separate and distinct criminal offense carrying a penalty of not less than one and not more than five years, with the costs of said incarceration billed to said illegal entrant.

  • All persons desiring to claim asylum in the United States must do so in the first contiguous nation they reach after leaving the nation or nations that give rise to their claim at a US Consulate or Embassy in said nation and they must remain outside the United States while their claim is adjudicated.  Claims of asylum cannot be made nor processed by any person who is a citizen of a US-contiguous nation with which the United States has a formal trading and visitation relationship (that would be Canada and Mexico.)  Any act of illegal entry, past or present, to the United States permanently voids all privilege of asylum.

  • All employers shall transmit with each 941 tax filing the E-Verify control number for each person so-employed.  All new hires must have E-Verify run prior to hiring and all currently employed persons must have same run within six months of the date of this legislation.  Failure to include a valid E-Verify control number on a 941 transmission, forgery of said number or willful omission of any employee from said form is declared a federal felony offense carrying a mandatory 5 year prison term and $100,000 fine for each person so-omitted with all persons having constructive or actual knowledge of said omission or fraud jointly and severably liable for same.

That stops the influx.

No "free" education, health care, housing, food stamps or anything else -- either directly or indirectly.  You cannot poop out a child on US soil and have their presence create an obligation to you -- not for your birth expenses, not for your housing expenses, nor for your food, utility or other expenses.  While a State could fund whatever it wants it cannot use any federal funds for such a program, including Medicaid, public schools (which obtain federal funding), food stamps or similar.

If you come here under a resettlement arrangement you have five years to show that (1) you intend to assimilate and (2) you are willing and able to both work and meet all other criteria for lawful permanent residence.  If not you're cut off -- period.  No more Little Mogadishu nonsense that has produced a crazy number of jihadi wannabes.

If you employ an illegal invader and get caught everyone with actual or constructive knowledge of it goes to prison.  It does not matter who you are -- whether you're a CEO, Controller, Payroll Clerk, farm owner or someone hiring a nanny.  Period.

Do the above as a simple bill and the entire illegal invader problem disappears overnight.

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What did I say when Trump first put forward The Wall for Mexico, and Mexico said "we won't pay"?

I said the solution is simple: Cut off remittances.

And now?

In the memo, Trump said he would threaten to change a rule under the USA Patriot Act antiterrorism law to cut off a portion of the funds sent to Mexico through money transfers, commonly known as remittances. The threat would be withdrawn if Mexico made “a one-time payment of $5-10 billion” to pay for the border wall, he wrote.


PS: Oh sure, there would be litigation.  But it's litigation I suspect Trump would win.  What would be even more amusing would be to both do it administratively (drawing said lawsuit) and then send up a bill to The House and ask them to pass it explicitly authorizing it.  That would force Congress to go on the record -- either support illegal invaders as policy or pass the bill into law.  If they pass the bill that moots the litigation at the same time...  smiley

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Seriously man.

What the hell are you doing.

I get it.  You're worried about pandering to women.  Well, you either stand on The Rule of Law or you do not.

Clearly, you do not.

Therefore, I am now voting for Cthulhu.

Fuck you.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump quickly walked back a statement he made earlier Wednesday that if abortion were illegal in the United States, then women who have the procedure should be punished - saying later that only those who performed the procedure should be punished.

“If Congress were to pass legislation making abortion illegal and the federal courts upheld this legislation, or any state were permitted to ban abortion under state and federal law, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woman,” Trump said in a written statement. “The woman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb.”

Earlier, at a taped MSNBC town hall to be aired later Wednesday, Trump said if abortions were illegal, women should be held responsible.

Sorry, but no.

Yes, it was a trick question, designed to elicit a "wrong" answer that can then be used for "gotcha."

That doesn't matter.

If abortion is made illegal then everyone conspiring to perform one, which I remind you includes the person who purchased the service, is a co-conspirator and equally guilty under long-standing legal principles.

Put bluntly, should abortion be made illegal on a blanket basis, declared as murder, then anyone who solicits one has put out a "hit" on a human being as a matter of law and must be punished accordingly.

With that said, I happen to believe that the Supreme Court decision Roe .v. Wade, which held that only a first-trimester abortion was unconditionally legal, is defensible on both history and the law.

But.... if that decision is overturned, and there are clear arguments that it should be, then nobody who is involved in the decision to what becomes at that time an act of murder can be excused.

As for both Kascish and Cruz, neither is pro-life or pro-rule of law.  You cannot claim to support the rule of law and excuse those who fund an act of lawbreaking and induce the act of lawbreaking itself through their offer of money.

That's outrageous and anyone who claims otherwise has no business being in the White House.

I'm forced to vote for Cthulhu once again and this, friends, may well be my last comment on this political cycle.

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OK folks, time for some truth.

Jeb claims he was a budget hawk and "cut spending" during his time in office from 1999 to 2007.


Your definition of "cut" must different than mine Jeb:

 by tickerguy

Incidentally the population of Florida went from 15.76 million to 18.53 million during that time period, or an increase of 18% -- far less than spending increased.

If you want to know why Trump was outright calling Jeb a liar on stage there it is, in numbers.  Jeb is a liar and this sort of crap ought to lead to him being charged and imprisoned for attempted fraud upon the public.

He didn't shrink state spending he basically doubled it.

Now Jeb claims he had a 4.4% economic growth rate.  However, government spending went up at roughly 7%, as anyone with basic knowledge of the Rule of 72 knows is the rate that gets you a doubling in 10 years.

In other words he grew government at a rate almost twice that of the alleged economy, and what's even worse is that he financed a huge part of that on the back of the common Floridian with the housing bubble that blew up right after he left office.

Even the Wall Street Journal admitted to this in July of 2015.

In addition the state's debt went from $15 -> $23 billion, and annual interest payments nearly doubled from $900 million to $1.7 billion.  (Source: Miami Herald)

I lived here the entire time, incidentally.  Jeb's claim that the economy was "booming" was a load of crap.  What we saw during that time was ramping fees and costs, which have not abated (e.g. MidBay Bridge anyone?), massive spending increases and crazy, unconscionable acts by local and county officials (including but not limited to school boards) to try to cover up what they had done -- such as our local system that tried to get the people to pay twice for roof and refrigerator replacements in the schools.  (See, they had not bothered with a sinking fund from tax receipts, so when the inevitable end-of-life came they tried to sucker the people into accepting a sales tax override.  We told them to go screw a goat, and justly so.)

To finance all of this the state encourage and looked the other way while the housing bubble doubled prices on houses, which of course came with ramping real estate taxes -- and all of those houses were built with illegal immigrant labor that paid no taxes and broke the law, yet Jeb's "regulators" in the licensing of said contractors did exactly zero to pull the licenses of all of those builders.

Jeb Bush deserves prison, not the nomination.

Trump was telling the truth last night.  Jeb, on the other hand, was lying through his teeth.

I was here and witnessed all of it, from start to finish, and in any event the math is what it is.

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