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User Info Facts On Tariffs; entered at 2024-11-07 16:41:04
Posts: 1713
Registered: 2010-03-03
The key to using tariffs is to use them on vital industries. A country is not truly rich unless it is self-sufficient in agriculture, natural resources and critical manufacturing. If you cannot feed your people, you are a poor country. If you cannot provide fuel for your industry, you are a poor country. If you cannot manufacture critical goods and infrastructure, you are a poor country.

The USA can be a truly rich country if it brought manufacturing home and allowed for the energy production to feed that industry.

To feed our war machine, we need to import computer chips from across the Pacific to make weapons. We need China to make most of our medicines. In case of war, those supplies will disappear. How retarded is that?

Health Care and financial services look good, have pretty buildings, but they are parasitic industries. Somehow most people think the USA is rich because we are the world's leader in those two industries.
2024-11-07 16:41:04