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User Info Ok, Here's MY Protocol; entered at 2024-02-11 08:46:59
Posts: 212454
Registered: 2007-06-26
@Cary do not EVER underestimate the risk of chart "branding" and no, you can't control that risk in today's world.

Right now its not as much of a concern as it was before Obamacare, but that will change and when it does all the people who ignored said risk and had it happen are absolutely ****ed. If it occurs without a collapse in medical cost at the same time you're going to be bankrupted, die or probably both.

I do not KNOW of anything that would do it in my case but there has to be a material BENEFIT to take that risk. If you KNOW you're screwed it doesn't matter, of course -- and a lot of people ARE screwed so if you're one of them then there's nothing to be lost.
2024-02-11 08:46:59