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User Info Ok, Here's MY Protocol; entered at 2024-02-11 08:44:12
Posts: 140
Registered: 2021-12-26 Ohio
Vitamin D alone shows how the sickcare system could care less about actual health. It should have been a standard recommendation for Northerners even before COVID.

One thing I ran across at one point during the COVID madness when I was taking Zinc every day was that it could deplete copper. So I also take 2 mg of copper with it now, which is now much less often.

I've seen you state it before, but I am curious as to what your major concern of the system having test results like vitamin D. I do a lot of self directed testing, which has helped identify a couple of individualized tweaks in my personal protocol. I absolutely don't trust medical system or government, but I also struggle to see how those kinds of things could be used against me. Although very interested in genomic testing, I've never had that done out of concern of the personal info, so I do understand the concern to some degree. Just curious what I'm not thinking about with some more basic markers.
2024-02-11 08:44:12