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User Info Surviving Medical System Collapse; entered at 2023-04-05 03:01:52
Posts: 4049
Registered: 2007-09-09
Any big elective surgery get it done ASAP.... I did.

And I can confirm that my Keto diet before going in surgery is what helping me missed all the pain and suffering that everyone was telling me. I lost 10 pounds of body weight on meat broth and poached egg diet after I was told that I can have my plugged LAD, bulged root aorta, ascending aorta, and severe Regurgitated aortic valve with one bio prosthesis all in one 5 hour surgery.

My body weighted 10 pounds heavier coming out of surgery than my going in weight, 5 quarts of fluid while I was on the pump for 158 minutes. I just can not imagine how my split breast bone body would feel if I didn't lost that 10 pound. I think that the surgeons would have to pull pretty hard to close up the rib cage.

Went in March 24th, a Friday, and they were ready to discharge me on the 5th day, I stayed one more till Thursday.

This morning got a email that Marlin, the founder of Marlin Crawler who was scheduled to have open heart surgery in a few months, died in his sleep on a cruise with wife and friend. He was in a 60's and I am on my 74th year.

11th day today, my son walked with me to my favourite restaurant, ate dinner, and walked back home,30 minutes each way. I wasn't able to eat for 3 days after surgery other than sugary syrup, and I fasted 2 days before going in. Ketogenesis kept me healthy, MTOR low and body repair mode in high gear.

I survived the operation and just checking in to add that bit for those who try to search if a Keto Diet is good for healing after open heart surgery... I did not find one that has any good thing to say. I am eating just about all my favourite food and I am off Ketosis until I can resume my more hearty activites.

Although it is not easy for a guy like me who love sweets and pastries to learn and maintain Ketosis, but this chapter gave me enough to go through all phases of it.

Took me about 4 years to train my body, but the deteriorating conditions did not make it any easier.

I learnt a lot on this community and lots of very knowledgeable people who was willing to speak up and bring facts to the table eased my search for answers.


2023-04-05 03:01:52