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User Info Surviving Medical System Collapse; entered at 2023-03-30 08:46:25
Posts: 128
Registered: 2022-12-06
I'm wondering how maternity care is going to be funded by our insurer. Our first could have been a natural birth, but his cord was wrapped around his neck a few times, so my wife had to endure a caesarean to deliver him.
She had all the markers of an excellent natural birth candidate, but there's no money in natural birth, and all the doctors will lie that they are "vbac friendly" (vaginal birth after caesarean). We feel called to have a few more, and I'm now wondering if after we can even find a vbac friendly doctor, can we count on in-patient maternity care for the third child who would be born after this projected medical collapse?
I don't think we should have to imagine a world where medical care is still prioritizing keeping their golden goose willingly unhealthy population alive and on treatment plans while sacrificing resources for births with low mortality, but I feel like that's where we're headed whether or not the government gets to paper over another medical system collapse just one more time.
2023-03-30 08:46:25