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User Info Amnesty? Absolutely NOT; entered at 2022-11-02 16:07:53
Posts: 3398
Registered: 2021-02-25 Kansas
Here are our terms: Drop your mandates, slink back to your holes, beg forgiveness from every Pureblood you see along the way for 2 years of coercion, theft, and public humiliation. For every missed visit, unattended wedding, funeral, and holiday.

AND for every friend killed by denial of early treatment.
And for every friendship destroyed.
And for every child damaged for life by the cruelty of masks and distancing and isolation during crucial times in their life for cognitive and psychosocial development.
And for all the children that will never be born because the spike protein in their mom's body post-vaxxx killed them in utero or shortly after birth.
And for all the small businesses destroyed, which means LIVES destroyed. And, and, and....
It goes on forever.

Last modified: 2022-11-02 16:17:17 by heartlander

2022-11-02 16:07:53