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User Info | Amnesty? Absolutely NOT; entered at 2022-11-01 17:20:53 | |||
Bradmenz Posts: 37 Registered: 2021-12-12 |
@Jacksparrow - Here's my story in regards to not listening to media idiots, anymore. I used to listen to Breitbart News Daily on the way to work back around the time FJB was implementing jab mandates. Head media idiot, Alex Marlow (his wife's an actual real Dr.), promoted the jabs, as did most if not all the other media idiots on the channel. One morning a caller made the comment that VAERS was showing a lot of deaths and injuries. Marlow cuts the caller short and claims ignorance as to what VAERS is. He comes back after a break, says he did some research, and all he could find was the CDC removed some deaths. Flipped the station to Ozzy's Boneyard and haven't been back. [****_you] 2022-11-01 17:20:53