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User Info | Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We; entered at 2022-06-12 17:41:12 | |||
Mannfm11 Posts: 9319 Registered: 2009-02-28 DFW, Tx |
Over half our Congress, including every member of the House from California is owned by the Chinese. They should be arrested and shot. Trump tried to do something about this. I heard economic idiots on business channels say they ran a trade deficit with their barber, like that money didn't stay in the local economy. These banker, debt peddling motherfuckers. Don't these bastards understand that what we don't pay extra in local costs we get back in debt. But then again, the local guy isn't getting the markup, the banks and multinationals are. Americans don't seem to comprehend what is going to happen to our standard of living. The politicians are taking it away, while doing the stage act of paying out more worthless money. Don't blink, they are stripping the corpse. Everything DC has in mind and actually does, involves pools of money to steal. They are now spending close to $50,000 for every private job in the US. If you figure 20% of the people in the US are getting $20K each back, that is only $1.2 trillion back, maybe $1.4 trillion. They passed a $43 billion bill. $6 billion actually went to Ukraine. They stole most of the rest, cycling it into political coofer designed to wage war against us. Think those thugs threatening the court, are free? They are paid terrorists. I'm 66 years old. I got out of high school in 1974. I got out in a recesson that made 2009 look like a paid vacation. I got out of college in December 1978, having started a semester late. 73-74 and 80-84 were the toughest time we have seen since 1950. Deflating the 1970's busted every major bank in Texas and the S&L industry. Congress put a band-aid on it and Volker kept money tight too long. Reagan broke the invisible money machine, as DC was using inflation to raise tax rates. Rather than deflate the bubble of the 1990's, developed in part from sinking interest rates, partly from fantastic projections on all kinds of fool projects, the Fed made a bailout and created the housing bubble. Home equity fed much of the bubble, FMNA and FHLMC acting as extra central banks. Nearly twice as many SFR homes were built some years than needed. Next, the Fed provided free financing, for the criminals to finish looting us. The wars didn't help. Now another war. Trade and wars is why Trump isn't President. The elite and the NAZI's couldn't stand for us to have a solution to that. The NSA and the State Department was and is packed with people who were going to make sure we had a war wih Russia involved and Ukraine was it. Everything we saw out of DC was to keep Trump from stopping this war, including the set up on the call with Zelinsky. The Democrats stopped his nominations and we had the Clinton State Department in place. The Ukraine ambassador was a Soros Canadian pawn. Non Americans as Ambassadors, Ukrainians (Colonel Shithead Vindman and his twin) on our NSA, you have to wonder what the fuck is going on? I hate to be brutal, but I hope Russia pounds so much sand up Ukraine's ass that no one ever goes along with the US and London neocons, in war. We had a 30 year window to solve this and all Russia got out of it was an attempt by American and London scam artists to loot the country. 1/6th of the landmass likely holds 1/6th of the minerals, maybe more. War and emergency destroy Republics. The people of the US need to understand that or they are doomed to slavery. Rahm Emanuel made the statement, never let a crisis go to waste, code words for We are going to steal everything not tied down and fuck the people. FDR used it, both war and emergency. The Depression didn't go away. Propaganda, changed people's minds, while the government stole all the real money, giving us debt in return. Biden has been declaring emergencies for everything and we are being set up for mass annihilation. The war was convenient, to move the narrative off their previous emergency, the fake virus threat. Biden renewed that emergency, rather than give out useful treatment and protection. They are still pushing the deadly masks and the ultimate fools are still wearing them. There should already be hangings and firing squads, but we need to steal the guns instead, over a stage act and 19 kids, when 19 kids die every day in auto accidents and 1000+ people a year died in bathroom accidents. They disarm us, there is no limit to what they can do to us. Remember one thing. Politician is largely a criminal class and being politicians in office, there is no limit to the crimes they can commit. Hunter Biden blatantly sells bullshit art for 6 figures, after blatantly using Dad's influence and likely paying Dad and Obama millions. Pelosi and her family openly steal, as do Romney, McCain and most of the others. I see guys in the Senate I wouldn't hire to fight a traffic ticket, slimeballs. The same slimeballs are running AG's in States, DA's and mayors in cities. The Mayor of Chicago is frightening, and we hear about White Supremacy, which is mostly a bunch of excons banded together for protection from the blacks in prison. The enemy is running government, finding it more preferrable that girls and boys swap clothes and sex, so Americans won't reproduce. Isn't the current terror game about killing babies, so they don't have to pay? Open the door, the world is full of replacements What is going on scares the living crap out of me and all the government can do is fiddle while Rome is burning and order more gasoline for the fire. There is no fucking free, yet we are going to see more until their tool for free collapses in a heap of rubble. When it does, they are out of business. This is a storm that I'm not sure one can prepare to avoid. The Democrat party and its well financed minions, likely out of our own taxes, is more dangerous that the German NAZI's of the 1930's. This bleeds largely into corporate USA, which identifies it as fascist. They are creating a reign of terror. They are destroying the economy, both to create their next emergency. Hyperinflation or deflation or both? No one can estimate their costs. The last 30 years has been a debt party. Real pain has been avoided. In the meantime, they have built the mechanism to enslave and persecute us. They wiped out many banks in the 1980's while allowing their preferred banks to operate insolvent. 2009, they crammed or money into them. People went on disability instead of going to work. They hid a bad economy, produced in part by Obama regulations under college loans, removal of people from the work pool and large deficits. They can't hide this one. In the 1970's and 1980's we still had pensions. You can't have a pension fund with near zero rates. They looted the Social Security fund, by stealing the interest. In the meantime we are supposed to be liable for the government pensions. Fuck them. My grandmother told me many times she felt bad for the people in cities, during the depression. Farm people produced food. She was the last of the pioneers, born in Indian territory and came to Texas in a covered wagon, most likely, because there were no cars in 1905. How fucked are we, when it is quite possible the Chinese start taking the foodstocks out of the country and the administration is destroying the transportation model over a false delusion sold to a generation of snowflakes. Bannon and Eric Prince had a discussion about going to war with the Chinese. Out of that conversation came the implication our military might not have the fighters. There was mention of the ship collisions and how sailors and offircers were quivering in the corner rather than taking action. Is the navy full of gays? How absurd is it to be running a military that way? It appears our government wants us dead or captive. Don't let them have your guns. We are going to have to fight the invaders, who will come to repossess what is ours, because the United States will be in default. If you have read the Bible, its history says invaders generally removed the people living in the conquered area. Will we be exported or murdered. Removing the people removes the hazard of occupation. Or is the Biden administration doing the work for them? 2022-06-12 17:41:12