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User Info No, Zelensky, We Will Not Get Nuked For You; entered at 2022-03-21 08:10:30
Posts: 204561
Registered: 2007-06-26
@Crossthread - There is no "Ukraine" in terms of borders, language and culture. That's the root problem and what nobody, and I do mean nobody, wants to discuss.

There are very solidly two, and arguably four, different groups of people who live in the land space called Ukraine, all of whom have segregated themselves into people of their own tribes. Yes, it's not 100% separation as it never is. But this is reality, like it or not. They did not integrate with each other and the 1920s "special administrative area" that was "granted" by the communists was essentially a means of attempting to hive off and manage what was several groups of people who wanted to kill one another, and had done exactly that through history every few years.

This, by the way, is the history of EUROPE too! We've had an EXTRAORDINARY period of people not killing one another in that part of the world. But we've certainly not done it, or enhanced it, by trying to import a whole crap-ton of folks who's biggest "contribution" is sucking off the resources of a land they have no birth or ethnic investment in.
2022-03-21 08:10:30