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User Info No, Zelensky, We Will Not Get Nuked For You; entered at 2022-03-21 08:01:56
Posts: 14809
Registered: 2007-09-04 Surf City/Sloop point, NC
Couldn't of said it better Myself @Tickerguy...

When I comment to the Lefty Liberals that WE are supporting Corrupt Nazi's, I get this dumbfounded look.. smiley

If anyone had been paying attention these past few years, woulda known about, "Nazi's" being, in Ukraine operating, Shelling Donbass etc.. Many, Many video's, now scrubbed & memory holed documenting the Nazi presence there..

I've watched plenty of videos for quite some time, Over the years, (Donbass conflict & Crimea),,, Americans (former .Mil looking for adventure(s) & other folks, became Dis-illusioned, going to fight against those Evil Russians,, Only too come to realizing that they were actually fighting with/for Nazis...

I often wonder, When Putin made the statement of Denazifying, Ukraine, He actually meant US..

Volodymyr Zelensky deserves the same fate Mussolini got..

I sincerely Hope Documents & Money trails come too light over the huge Money Laundry operation(s), exposing each & every Politico, that have been Using Ukraine as they're personal ATM..

Though, like with other Scandals..

It'll be deflected & buried with them saying,, What difference Does it make? & Memory holed..

While Virtue Signaling continues.

I/We stand with Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!

What a convenient scrape goat Our (current) politicians have made for they're failures, as the Coof scam dies out..

Dee-Cee certainly deserves to be smiley
2022-03-21 08:01:56