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User Info No, Zelensky, We Will Not Get Nuked For You; entered at 2022-03-21 07:27:53
Posts: 593
Registered: 2020-07-25

Zelensky gets a standing ovation from the Congress during his warmongering speech where he proposes no-fly zones and other insanity that will trigger WW3? What do these applauding congressmen have to say about these latest statements? Will the press ask them?

How about this Zelensky? If negotiations fail, YOUR country is destroyed by the Russians. The US and the world can get along without Ukraine. Not one drop of American blood or one dollar of treasure will be spent on war in Ukraine. Figure out how to get along with your neighbor.

A high level official from the US (Biden is non compos mentis, so it will need to be someone else) should take Zelensky aside and teach him about "the birds and the bees."

On a side note, statements like these from Zelensky don't square with the narrative that the Ukrainians are "winning" and inflicting heavy damage on the Russians. Instead they speak of desperation. Also, I am seeing acknowledgement by some that Russian encirclement of Ukrainian cities rather than blitzkrieg may be effective.
2022-03-21 07:27:53