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User Info Flash: Russia Won; entered at 2022-03-09 09:59:50
Posts: 204654
Registered: 2007-06-26
Sorry, but nope. There's no "territorial concession" to give; the two provinces ALREADY declared independence and Crimea was Russian back to 2014.

"Security guarantees" come with demilitarization and no accession to NATO. Ever.

They won't get the planes. Poland tried to ram that down the DOD's throat (wouldn't be surprised if CumDumpster egged that on) but the Pentagon still has a few people working there who don't want to have whatever is in the sub-basement spread all over DC along with them being turned into well-blackened BBQ, and that's exactly what allowing Ramstein to touch those aircraft, if they wind up in Ukraine, leads to.

And if I know what's allegedly down there so does every fucking military and targeting analyst in Russia.

Last modified: 2022-03-09 10:01:24 by tickerguy

2022-03-09 09:59:50