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User Info | Reality vis-a-vis Energy And The Economy; entered at 2022-01-03 12:56:10 | |||
Raven Posts: 22712 Registered: 2017-06-27 Farthest Right ![]() |
The problem is you think that this is simply limited to people who did not take science courses or supposedly master them. Nope. I went to school a long time ago. My classmates who could do the same math as me believe this bunk, then and now. Surely there is a subset that does this for strategic reasons, but IMO not the majority or even half. Ok, here is a good example. There exists a State of New Jersey where in my metro is supposedly the goto place for "good schools" which is why people tolerate their unbelievable property taxes. Within said state there is Middlesex County which supposedly has the best schools in the country. They have been over the past two years really promoting themselves as a technology worker magnet growing the electric and autonomous car industry. All of these science and tech people as voters and tax payers to the limit seem to think that it is just peachy keen. They are not using their highly intelligent students to argue for science as opposed to a fake trend. Here is a related example. European schools at their worst blow away our best almost always. Don't argue with me; i have spent decades studying the problem. Let's see what came out of a system considered one of the best, Germany. Notice some of their energy escapades as of late? Humm. Or the decisions they have made as to energy reliability. Some of the colder climates, like Norway, embracing electric cars to a high degree. Are they insane? As a side note, Germany also did a lot of stupid during the *****-BS crisis. How's that for smart? What this means is that there is a problem with the educational concept at its core. It creates as appeasement mentality in the students, see Ann Barnhardt for her Alpha/Beta concept which she developed in parallel with my interest in the matter. Have to tell you that there is little hope outside of a crisis since Americans are on the lowest end academically, essentially a double handicap. i let a lot go during my education, however a professor of thermodynamics once took it upon himself to reach out to me. He wanted me to come to Germany with him where he would spend sometimes over a year working with colleagues there. Yes, he was so good that the American university actually paid him when he was not there. He told me that in America there is an "A" and an "A", and i was the latter. The system required grading on a curve (excluding perfect and near perfect scorers such as me) and allowed little to differentiate those who really knew the material as opposed to those who could pass the tests with high grades. He felt that the system catered to these since the post war generation first went to college. Prior to that a college or university education was a rare thing which was proper. He said that we mass marketed the trapping to the new rich of America. This professor told me not to worry as Europe would find itself in the same position as people never question policy when the socialist government gives them something. He said Americas do not know better, current (at the time of our discussion) Europeans look the other way, and next generation Europeans will live in a delusion having known nothing else but policy. He closed with that the manipulators depend upon Europeans being deluded by their socialism and Americans being deceived by their naivete and out right stupidity. Funny how a hard science guy groked more about human psychology and social science than anyone else whom i ever met. It's that simple. Tell me fellow parents. When your children graduate from great schools of any kind, why are they not fellow ticker heads? Don't want to face it; do you? This is the problem that leads to problems such as Karl describes. 2022-01-03 12:56:10