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User Info Reality vis-a-vis Energy And The Economy; entered at 2022-01-03 12:47:43
Posts: 478
Registered: 2019-09-26 North of Boston, but not North enough.
The point of mandating EVs is not to have everyone driving one. The point is that you won't have a car at all, you will use UberShare taxis or some such BS. Where you can go, and when, will be controlled by someone who is not you. This will all be done in a way that makes it seem as natural as possible, for plausible deniability. As others have said, take care of your current vehicles.

The bigger problem may become fuel. "Oh, we don't need as much gasoline anymore so lets force production down, $10 a gallon, 5 gallon limit per purchaser". It'll be like post-war Europe with people driving around with wood gassifiers, until those get banned too.
2022-01-03 12:47:43