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User Info Where Roe Is Going; entered at 2021-12-04 07:14:53
Posts: 3156
Registered: 2021-09-15 western slope colorado
I had my vas done when a surgeon was fixing a hernia. During the pre-op conversation about the hernia I jokingly asked, since the surgeon was under the hood, how much to fix me. He looked at me a little odd and told me he could for another $250.


I was 30 and single at the time and the surgeon was surprised at the request. He asked me if I was certain and I made him understand I was.

I'd known a couple guys who got trapped by women who wanted a babies and I wasn't going to be one of them. Too many kids out there already who are unloved. I knew I wasn't parent material. I'm much too selfish.

A buddy of mine had a vasectomy and a girlfriend who became pregnant (they hadn't dated long and he hadn't told her about his vas)

She gave him shit about knocking her up, and that he was going to pay support, ect, ect.

That's when she found out he was shooting blanks and that it was her OTHER guy (she hadn't mentioned him) that was the future baby daddy. That was a funny story.

Sex is more dangerous than guns. Guns kill people, sex makes them. Which is more likely to cause long term problems?

Just my dysfunctional view of the world.
2021-12-04 07:14:53