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User Info Here It Comes; entered at 2021-12-03 10:46:01
Posts: 194
Registered: 2007-11-11 New Orleans
An update on my vaccine policy situation:

I had applied for a medical exemption. HR replied that I needed to get a form signed by my doctor, which basically had a yes/no for him to check and sign. They did not want to know the medical reasons.

I finally got in to see my doctor last week. In short, he stated he'd sign it if he could - but his hospital system (Cleveland) forbids it. He knows two doctors at Cleveland who were fired for signing patient medical exemption forms. What a crock.

So, I'm still complying with the policy: no travel, customer meetings or company events. I'm in the sales org and while I am sick of travel, it is impacting my job a bit.

Until yesterday, there has been no word from HR on the current policy, or any new policies to be implemented. Yesterday, HR emailed a reminder that anyone going to a company event needs to be vaxxed, and provided a link to upload your proof of vaccination.

We have a Sales Kick Off meeting coming up in February. I guess I won't be going. I don't know how my vaxxed bossman is going to react. I lead a team and should be there.

I won't be taking the vax. I'm willing and able to travel - the company has told me not to. That's how I look at it.

2021-12-03 10:46:01