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User Info Where Roe Is Going; entered at 2021-12-02 08:50:23
Posts: 2784
Registered: 2021-09-15 western slope colorado

I think if a woman is murdered while pregnant the courts would assume she wanted the child to go full term. Hence a double homicide... make that triple if the unborn's dad has his way.


Exactly! I was about to write something to @snowmizuh regarding their post.

I think slavery is a boogeyman lurking in our history. As far as our Republic is concerned the fact the South wasn't allowed to secede is a bigger issue.

The other big thing that happened late in the 19th century was government breaking up the big trust. Supposedly.

As has been pointed out here again and again (and today, yet again) is the medical monopolies that have us in a stranglehold. Where I live, you deal with one hospital that owns all the doctors in the area. They are good at keeping people in the system.

I've had two different doctors from that group want to put me on Satans(not misspelled!) Because I have LOW blood pressure and high cholesterol. Yeah, my arteries must be clogged...

2021-12-02 08:50:23