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User Info Where Roe Is Going; entered at 2021-12-02 08:48:15
Posts: 80
Registered: 2018-12-29 JBLM
Karl, one cannot justify murdering the child for the sins of the father. Science shows at conception there is a new life - unique DNA, self-regulating and growing. Yes, a child needs a womb to grow, and then - adoption. ANY exceptions are still the murder of a new human being. And they inevitably lead to the expansion of the exception to (as we see today) "health of the mother" = 100% any time, on demand abortion. In the case of difficult pregnancies, the goal is to do the best to safe both lives and sometimes that is not possible. That is different than intentionally destroying one. As long as abortion is "legal" we are no better than savages and the asteroids/nukes will come.
2021-12-02 08:48:15