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User Info Where Roe Is Going; entered at 2021-12-02 08:33:40
Posts: 204590
Registered: 2007-06-26
@Superdude - "Fetal homicide" must be a bright-line test.

If I can choose to abort then its not homicide; at worst if someone ELSE destroys the fetus its criminal damage to property.

Once the woman CANNOT choose to abort THEN it is homicide no matter who does it. We are now down to determining what form of homicide took place and whether that homicide was criminal.

Any person can always decline to sacrifice their own life for another. You are never obligated to do that, and as a result if the pregnancy is going to KILL the mother then she can always choose to terminate it, no matter when, since self-defense is ALWAYS justification for homicide. It's still homicide in that circumstance but is not a crime.
2021-12-02 08:33:40