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User Info Where Roe Is Going; entered at 2021-12-02 08:22:28
Posts: 204296
Registered: 2007-06-26
Well @Boredfree as with anything medical there's a buttfucking around the corner waiting for you and when you add judicial fiat to it you only make it worse.

The two drugs used for "medication" abortions are very inexpensive to manufacture. They are priced as they are in the US "because they can"; in a free-market system they'd cost $10 and at the FIRST hint you might have "missed" a period -- a couple of DAYS late -- if you didn't want to be pregnant and had sex somewhere in the previous month you'd gobble them and have a somewhat-heavy period indistinguishable from anything else. But when they're $500 its a different story. They're not $500 because that's what they cost; they're $500 because a procedural abortion is about $600.

How is that distinguishable from a spontaneous abortion if the woman's body detects something horribly wrong in the first few days and ejects the implanted zygote? It isn't, other than why the ejection took place. Most of the time when the latter happens -- and that does happen, all the time -- the woman isn't even aware she was pregnant. It's only later on that it becomes distinguishable and it is we, the people, who have allowed that to happen by permitting the medical monopolists to do what they do.

It is precisely our regulatory system -- and nothing else -- that makes the cost $500 and thus precludes their use at the first hint something that could be horribly bad from your point of view might have happened.

There's over half a million dead bodies in America alone as a direct result of that over the last 18 months. You want me to get pissed off about abortions? Set up guillotines for the politicians, doctors, nurses and hospital administrators along with pharama executives who slaughtered older people for profit over the last year and a half, chop off some heads, and I'll consider your point of view sincere!

Until then... nope.

Last modified: 2021-12-02 08:27:55 by tickerguy

2021-12-02 08:22:28