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User Info Where Roe Is Going; entered at 2021-12-02 08:12:09
Posts: 2739
Registered: 2021-09-15 western slope colorado

Thank you for another thoughtful and reasonable take on a hot button issue.

What I find crazy, is many who support a woman's right to choose an abortion or not, are also aligned with those who think we should be vaxxed or shot.

Is a person right to choose limited to those procedures sanctioned by the harpy Karen's? Or is it my body, my choice, for ALL medical procedures? The harpies don't care. It's their way or they will preform a late term abortion upon you for even daring to question them.

This abortion dog and pony show will distract the masses, and help create even more divisions amongst the citizens.

Abortion is yet another problem for those who are poor and unconnected: wealthy folks have choices and will always be able to afford an abortion, regardless of what the government decides.

In my 52 years I've been on both sides of this issue, both for and against. Karl's post today explains why; I can't support a female being forced to raise a rapist child... but I also don't think abortion should be used as a contraceptive either.

Human life should be valued.

Unfortunately, there are so many of us, and we've become so fractured in our beliefs, we don't value life like we once did. Not our own and certainly not others.

2021-12-02 08:12:09