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User Info | Once Upon A Time...; entered at 2021-09-24 16:34:37 | |||
Spaceace Posts: 202 Registered: 2019-05-09 |
Then there's this crap: The bottom line: vaccines work. Vaccines are the most effective and safest tool to protect against serious illness from COVID-19. They are the best hope without question for us to continue our return to our normal life and experience we all want. We have begun to enjoy this experience more with our students, faculty, and staff this semester because of our rising numbers of vaccinated community members. Where it says "protects against serious illness" used to say offers the best immunity. Now they're getting ready to pimp boosters: There are questions now about booster shots. We are working on an operations plan for boosters, consistent with the guidance we are receiving from the federal government. We will communicate more information about our efforts as soon as possible. Screw that! I'll stay remote. They wonder why they need National Guard working at the hospitals in Lexington. Duh! 2021-09-24 16:34:37