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User Info | Well, Duh. This Is Why It Was Stupid; entered at 2021-08-02 08:35:18 | |||
Nadavegan Posts: 1311 Registered: 2017-05-03 The South |
Last night, one of my very-normie vaxxed friends asked me how to make quinine and use ivermectin. He is wildly opposed to boosters. Also last night, another normie vaxxed friend sent me a meme about how pointless it is to get the shots. This whole edifice hinges on normies and boosters. If the white male vaxxed normies reject the booster program, the whole thing topples. (Their AWFL ****bag wives will line up for boosters regardless. God help us, feminism has ruined so many women.) But of the 50% vaxx acceptance, I'd say fully half of that was the "go along to get along" normie types, and the ones I see are saying "**** NO" to the boosters. 2021-08-02 08:35:18