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User Info What If....; entered at 2021-07-12 11:26:26
Posts: 2599
Registered: 2021-03-26
I generally dislike conspiracy theories simply because so many of them are outlandish. But I consider the medical establishment with all of its stakeholders using the vaccines to push everyone into a subscription model of healthcare to be credible. For one, it is not a truly malignant effort like a Gates/Schwab effort to depopulate the Earth. Second, as Karl points out, it is the extension of the subscription model in other industries, particularly cloud computing, into health care. This makes it easier on the part of the stakeholders and medical staff to convince themselves on a daily basis that they are doing the "right" thing. This is the bureaucratic mentality in its purest form. Everybody involved is a bit-player, performing a very small part of the total effort. Thus, when it goes bad, they can say that they weren't responsible because they were performing a very small role and, besides, they were just following the standard procedure as told by their boss and the system in general (does the expression "we were just following orders" in its historical context mean anything to us?). I have come to believe that one of the primary purposes of bureaucracy is to shield everyone in it from any sort of accountability for their actions while convincing them that they are doing the "right" thing. I believe this is one meaning of the expression "banality of evil".

The Spielberg movie "Schindler's List" did a fairly good depiction of the bureaucratic aspects of the Holocaust.
2021-07-12 11:26:26