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User Info The Likely Future Path: YOU WERE WARNED; entered at 2020-12-07 13:54:37
Posts: 2588
Registered: 2018-01-29 Iowa

In farm country, there are ways to shelter assets. Most common is to create a farm corporation and put the old parents land into it, and the remaining land into a lifetime trust.

Of course, they have to stay out of the home or federal assistance for at least 7 years.

Mom did it, and I will at least have some of the old homestead. But who knows.

The 401K talk reminds me of what my Grandfather did when I opened my first account. He blew a gasket, and said "If the government wants you to do this, they will take it when they fell like it!" Seems his mother had some gold that the Roosevelt administration seized.

2020-12-07 13:54:37