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User Info Corruption Much? (NIH); entered at 2020-06-11 08:12:09
Posts: 2925
Registered: 2010-05-25 Houston, Texas
But of course those dorks in public schools especially at the elementary level are power tripping dip****s, who couldn't cut it in the real world! Throwing around the term doctor via a lousy school principal it's a pathetic attempt to make up for shortcomings! boy oh boy they do demand that everyone calls them doctor! It's an ego thing!

When my son was in Middle school, I was called up to speak to the principal (regarding an unfortunate incident in which my boy literally knocked another boy through a wall for squirting a Ketchup package all over the front of his shirt.....but, that's another story...LOL)

I introduced myself, "I'm Pat Patterson....Patrick's father."
He shook my hand, and said, "I'm Doctor Bragg."
I said, "What did you say your name was?"
He said, "Doctor Bragg."
I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come to the Clinic....I'm hear to speak to the Principal."
He said, "I am the Principal...Doctor James Bragg.."
I said, "Oh... OK, Jimmy , let's get on with this.
2020-06-11 08:12:09