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User Info Corruption Much? (NIH); entered at 2020-06-10 13:24:15
Posts: 442
Registered: 2020-02-07 Ohio
And knowing this people still dick wag about being tax payers! actually believing that their tax money pays for shit, when their taxes don't even cover the cost of the IRS, let alone pay the interest on the money borrowed year after year!

Oh yes they do steal money from your paycheck indeed not denying that at all, however I'm making the case that, that money they steal from your paycheck, pays for nothing at all! It goes into the abyss of the unknown because it sure as hell is not paying the bills!

If us "tax payers" was actually paying for anything then we wouldn't have debts and deficits! End of story!

Yes yes I know the money that's borrowed is borrowed in our name and the sheer fact their are tax payers! However by now even the grade school kids know we can't ever pay shit back and thus it's all false, even borrowing money in our name is falsely done!!

But of course people will scream, I pay taxes damn it, I pay for this or that!
"That welfare fucker"!! Blah blah blah blah blah blah... Except for one small problem with their "knowledge" of how the system works!

It's the sheer fact that everything's borrowed into an existence, including the pavement on the highways, the military, all forms of welfare and every single government job and don't forget foreign aid!!

It's all borrowed your taxes don't pay for shit! Yet them politicians will always dick wag about taxes via it gives them a platform to run on and it's yet just another way of routing your ass back to the voting booth, to partake in the play that is Kabuki theater called the political system!
2020-06-10 13:24:15