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User Info | The Bill To Fix Health Care - Permanently; entered at 2017-03-30 23:42:21 | |||
Trinityalpsgal Posts: 43 Registered: 2017-03-30 Weaverville, CA |
@orionrising Am reflecting with you on the HUGE amount of money/potential to be freed up. Not to mention the economic security these funds would provide. In my own world it would be around $500.00 a month. As a self-employed person, my monthly Anthem Blue Cross premium is at $618.00 (for a person with zero health issues and zero prescriptions). I used to buy the catastrophic plan in the early 2000's for $95.00/mo. Paid cash for everything else (like visits to the skin doctor)(one too many Daytona Beach spring break sunburns). The doctors back then even gave cash discounts! I 2017-03-30 23:42:21