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User Info Scott Shapiro Speaks Up (Obama Gun Presser); entered at 2013-01-18 01:03:17
Posts: 4440
Registered: 2009-06-26
Drkshapiro wrote..
One of the problems with government is that the ones that generally go into it are not smart enough to think ahead. We are drowning in unintended consequences. What about requiring chess ratings for public office?
But if we had a minimum of 1500 state and 1700 federal at least we'd know they could think ahead 3 or 4 moves. If you think about it if you required chess players in govt things would be better because then they'd be at the board and not passing laws.

Dudette. They're fucking sociopaths. They think ten moves ahead, and have 3 lies to cover each move.

Pity the outmatched chess players...
2013-01-18 01:03:17