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User Info Social Security -- We're Still Lying To Ourselves; entered at 2012-04-24 12:21:18
Posts: 18112
Registered: 2008-02-11 CO aka West NJ/East CA
Solonsays wrote..
The working class has loaned their surplus taxes paid into SS to the government and the government should not treat them as 2nd class creditors or short change their benefit programs due to employment trends which will reverse over time.

Really ? What are you smoking. SS is just a tax. period. It is not my fault that you and others chose to believe in the Big Lie when a 20 min research expedition could have exposed the whole thing to you as a Big Lie.

Solonsays wrote..
It is time to cash out Social Security and the other government pension funds and separate them from the General Fund under a new governing authority. The $4 trillion in IOUs owed the funds could provide the reserves for a public banking system.

Cash out?

This is what you have to cash out


Who is going to pay trillions of dollars for it ? Go ahead you and the rest of the willing koolaid drinkers - go first

And new governing authority ? Just what does that mean ? You do realize that anything set up by law via congress can be repealed the exact same way. Just like the law that authorizes tax breaks for 401k, mtg deduction, and the SS payouts.

Here is some - hopefully - helpful advice. Stop deluding yourself.

2012-04-24 12:21:18