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User Info Social Security -- We're Still Lying To Ourselves; entered at 2012-04-24 11:19:09
Posts: 4489
Registered: 2007-10-09
Jbreedlove, if the insurance you buy were something like whole life insurance, where you pay more when young and unlikely to use it to keep the rates down when you are more likely to use it, then the price you pay might seem more reasonable. However, your company has likely learned that also and is using your excess payments not to reserve for YOUR old age (50 something nowadays) but for the few 50 somethings they have not yet managed to offload. I would bet that your company insurance will not be there for you and your wife when YOU get there. You would be far better of with some high deductible policy and a medical savings account where you accumulated the excess while you are young for yourselves. Companies know that too, which is why that option wasn't widely implemented when it was available.
2012-04-24 11:19:09