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User Info Social Security -- We're Still Lying To Ourselves; entered at 2012-04-24 09:34:15
Posts: 139
Registered: 2010-08-11
The cost of medical care/insurance is becoming more and more of a scam.

I pay around $5k for a family of 4 for my insurance through my company. My company claims to pay an additional $18k on my behalf. That's $23k per year for medical expenses, not to mention the deductible and co-pays that I still pay out of pocket. So let's say maybe $26k per year for two healthy adults in their early 30s and two small children under 5? That's insane.

If we paid for everything out of pocket we'd be paying far less. This includes a knee injury my wife went to see the orthopedist for - he billed the insurance $1000 for "surgery" when all he did was poke her knee, send her to get an MRI and put on an immobilizer (which we also paid for out of pocket). The insurance company paid him $300 for that "surgery", when you can be sure if we were paying out of pocket he'd be threatened with a lawsuit over billing us for services that he didn't render.

2012-04-24 09:34:15