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User Info To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations); entered at 2010-08-30 11:18:14
Posts: 10060
Registered: 2010-02-11 Scottsdale, AZ
You do know who Francis Bellamy was, right?

Yes and that's not the point. Under a Republic we elect people to represent us. How is that going? A few are offended by our flag. A few are offended by our Pledge. A few are fearful of guns.

Therefore we elect people that are tolerant of the few and screw the rest of us. This is what people are tired of.

The problem is the few have become many. All in the name of tolerance, fair, compassion. I believe you can clearly tie all this into absolute looting, corruption, and fraud.

Why? Values. Why is this so unclear to people?
2010-08-30 11:18:14