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User Info | To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations); entered at 2010-08-30 11:03:12 | |||
Ishmael Posts: 5098 Registered: 2008-02-25 Los Angeles to Oklahoma, at least temporarily for now! |
Flick - Agree with all of that and have them stop attempting to sell me on their psuedo science like Man walked with Dinosaurs or that the world is only 8,000 years old. This is country bumpkin evangelical tent stuff. They also attempt to cure cancer with herbs and such crap. I grew up in Oklahoma, my father is a baptist and my Mom is Catholic. I had to listen to all of that crap as a kid and listen as he would say weird things that never turned out to be true. I left there to get away from it. Beck like George the Idiot is an ex-alcoholic and so he is pushing the agenda that saved him. Sorry dude, I do not have the personality weaknesses that you do so I do not need your crutch. Last modified: 2010-08-30 11:03:46 by ishmael