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User Info | To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations); entered at 2010-08-29 17:32:20 | |||
Zzt Posts: 3331 Registered: 2007-06-26 Glendale az |
****, now I think I have another 'favorite' Ticker. Each one is better than the last. Divide and conquer has worked in many instances in the past and the Tea Party could fall victim to it in the future. FOCUS is the key, as stated in this Ticker. FOCUS. Take care of first things first. Fiscal responsibility , anti corruption and and bribe taking ( campaign 'contributions' ), punish the guilty no matter what office they have attained ( oops ), punish 'moral hazard' dont reward it. Leave the religious BS and life style BS out for now and address them later. F O C U S !!! Nice Ticker and great advice. 2010-08-29 17:32:20