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 Resolving The AI Ethics Problem
Neal 473 posts, incept 2014-01-09
2023-04-12 11:39:20

@TG, I agree that the US has the sovereign right to blackball any country that doesnt toe the US line.
Problem I see is that the US has only limited power to enforce blackball on many nations as they can tell the US to pound sand.
Has the US blackballed China for all the Fentanyl that they manufacture and send to the US?
Has the US blackballed India, Brazil, China or a whole lot of countries for ignoring the US embargo of Russia? Japan just said nyet to obeying the US created price cap on Russian oil. Russia just laughs at obeying US laws.
What good is a law you cant enforce? What good is a blackball that you cant use against stronger nations or groups than yourself?
Best to accept that there will be AI generated conversations, opinions and facts that will appear genuine and appear to come from real people but are just fake and misleading. Heck when I go to a flea market I dont expect all the Rolex watches to have labels attached attesting to whether they are genuine or fake, I just accept that they are likely fake. Same with stuff on the Net and it doesnt mean squat if there are laws against fake goods or information if the laws are barely enforced.
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