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 No Cure, No Pay
Ee4fire 1k posts, incept 2011-03-24
2023-03-25 22:55:13

It is a great speech. I agree with it. However, I have been trying to think of one elected politician who would have given that speech in March 2020 or an unelected politician who would have been elected if they did. Blanca mentioned Ron DeSantis. I am not sure he would have in March 2020. Later in 2020 there was a possibility. DeSantis was one of the first to stop the lockdowns and mandate stupidity.

Trump was already hated in March 2020 and being vilified for not doing enough to "stop *****-19". If he gave that speech, it would have sent Boobus Americanus into the stratosphere and maybe to the moon.

We still have idiots wearing masks (even cloth ones) while driving in their cars alone. I know people who are still wearing masks and gloves on a daily basis. They don't want to hear or know the truth.

We still have federal and state gov'ts running jab PSAs on a daily basis. Many PSAs are targeted to minorities. There are still jab mandates to get private and public sector jobs. They want to be in fear and think they are protecting themselves and others.

I fought some of this stupidity about being unjabbed and having natural immunity at my place of employment. I sent the NIH papers and other back up to my management. They replied we are following gov't recommended guidelines. Why was this their response? They didn't want to get sued or fined. Depending on which state or jurisdiction you live, you can still be punished for going against the guidelines that have been lifted.

Lemmings will be lemmings. Since Trump was already persona non grata by about 50% of the country and politicians and 90%+ of the media and bureaucrats, it would not have mattered if he gave that speech. TPTB would have still "shot"/undermined the messenger.

Gov't is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. - Frederick Bastiat

The gov't is a money laundering operation from our bank acc
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