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 No Cure, No Pay
Blanca 599 posts, incept 2020-07-25
2023-03-25 08:55:03

Tickerguy wrote:
Trump was no man and unfit to be President. He was a scared mouse believing that a virus was an evil cat about to eat him and everyone else. That was false, known false within weeks and not a thing has changed since.
I am trying to think whether there has ever been an elected official/bureaucrat that has actually admitted a mistake. I remember RR said "mistakes were made" but he didn't own them. Given that many of our politicians are in elective office for decades, how do they manage to never make a mistake?

An adult admits his mistakes, owns them, and attempts restitution. A child hides them and lies about them when caught.

A few years ago I had an uncomfortable conversation with a boss. He was blown away when I admitted that I was wrong and wouldn't do it again. After that, we had a great relationship - he trusted me and I trusted him. Food for thought.
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