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 No Cure, No Pay
Workerbee23 364 posts, incept 2021-09-15
2023-03-25 11:13:48

Dr Pierre Kory did an excellent substack post in regards to a Scott Atlas article. A lot of info from behind the scenes during the pandemic fiasco.

What a Sh*tshow.

The problem with KD's post is it's logical and shows a (more) than basic understanding of human nature.

John Q Public no longer wants logic, rejecting it outright and understanding themselves and/or anyone else is definitely off the table. They have been trained (and chosen to accept that training) to believe whatever they're told and to completely put their trust into absolute strangers.

I guess if they aren't strange men in a panel van with ice cream or a puppy, they must be OK.

Slightly off topic but interesting:

I'm not a fan of crypto in any capacity, but the author points out some interesting things that I haven't seen anywhere else in the "news". Things that make you go hmmm.

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