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Winston2020 461 posts, incept 2020-03-29
2022-06-18 10:02:13

"A reasonable postulate for virtually every thing that is wrong in the US -- and much of the rest of the world -- can be stated as 'selective prosecution has ruined the world, and cannot be fixed until the people enforce equal application of the law.'"

That's the basic cause of everything wrong with every civilization ever. And that's why they all eventually die.


Yep, because that's a SYMPTOM of the problem.

The actual problem is that without a -MORAL- foundation as a guideline, the NATURAL tendencies of human's leads to the exploitation of the less intelligent and capable by a few. That's why communism, collectivism, and authoritarianism are so hilariously and obviously wrong and will never work. Where are the human "angels" we can place in such power over us?

Karl Marx was right, socialism works, it is just that he had the wrong species. - Edward O. Wilson, American biologist, nicknamed "The Darwin of the 21st century" in his book "The Ants"
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