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 Student Loan 'Forgiveness'?
Flappingeagle 6k posts, incept 2011-04-14
2022-05-01 10:27:35

Second point about expanding college.

It's largely true that a single person can better himself, relative to the crowd, by having a degree.

Therefore, we would all be better off if the crowd had a degree.

I can stand up at a baseball game and get a slightly better view. If everyone stands up around me, I do not have a better view.

I know that I am going to do a poor job on this point but, I think there is a corollary point to be made. This is especially evident for the non-bullshit majors.

It's largely true that a single person who is already ahead based on intelligence can even further distance himself, relative to the crowd, by having a degree.


2024. One of Trump or Biden will not be on the ballot in November.
A housing crash will occur. Interest rates will NOT be lowered more than 1% in total unless a housing crash occurs.
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